This is the ‘about us’ page that is designed to help you navigate Jakartatravelguide.com. Make the most of your trip to Jakarta.
Jakarta Travel Guide has been developed out of passion and love for Jakarta. This website if free to use and always will be free for people to use. It is our goal to make the most comprehensive, informative, reliable and practical travel guide to Jakarta that will always free of charge for everyone.
This site has been designed for everyone to enjoy regardless of your location, nationality, culture or race. Whether you live in Jakarta or plan on visiting from another region of Indonesia or abroad, we hope that this website provides all the necessary information that you are looking for.
Jakarta Travel Guide has been written to assist the following groups of individuals:
- Locals living in Jakarta
- Domestic tourists visiting Jakarta
- International tourists visiting Jakarta
- Both local and international visitors conducting business in Jakarta
- Expats living in Jakarta or Indonesia
- Anyone seeking itinerary information for Indonesian destinations
Frequently Asked Questions about Jakarta Travel Guide
Using Jakarta Travel Guide
How should I use Jakarta Travel Guide to help plan my trip to Jakarta?
Jakarta Travel Guide is organized in various ways to suit all your needs.
Although this website has hundreds of informative articles about Jakarta, it is organized according to specific guide pages. These guide pages are always listed along the sidebar of every page on the website, aside from the homepage.
Therefore, you can easily navigate your way to specific interests you may have about Jakarta. If you want to see itineraries, go to the Itinerary Guide. If you want to find out about the MRT, go to the MRT Guide. You get the idea…..
Let’s look at a few examples to illustrate how you can easily plan your trip using Jakarta Travel Guide as a resource.
Let’s assume that you have already booked a flight to Jakarta from Singapore.
You want to take the Soekarno-Hatta Airport Railink into the city center and you want to stay near one of the new MRT stations so that you avoid as much traffic as possible during your stay. Preferably within walking distance of the station.
You also want to check out all the attractions in central Jakarta and other attractions outside of the city center. You want to stay in a hotel that receives positive guest reviews that is within walking distance to Bundaran HI, right in the middle of the city center.
You also decide that you want to explore some overlooked tourists attractions and markets that are under the radar of most visitors to Jakarta.
How would you use Jakarta Travel Guide to plan your trip to Jakarta?
Arranging your flight to Jakarta
Use the detailed Airport Guide to access all the information you need to know about flying to/from Jakarta including airport hotel information.
Booking an Airport Railink (Train) Ticket to Central Jakarta
Use the detailed Airport Train Guide to discover all the information about getting to Jakarta without spending 1 minute in Jakarta’s traffic.
Booking your Accommodation in Jakarta
Refer to the comprehensive Jakarta Accommodation Guide that provides a complete overview of the best places to stay in the city. Then, get more focused by reading the MRT Accommodation Guide. This provides a list of the ten closest hotels to every single MRT Station in Jakarta.
You can also find excellent suggestions about the best property near every MRT Station.
Finding Attractions in Jakarta
Once you have your hotel arranged in central Jakarta it is time to start researching what you want to see in the city. This is where Jakarta Travel Guide comes in extremely handy.
Jakarta Travel Guide provides complete guide articles about the top attractions in Jakarta. We also segregate the attractions into clear themes to suit your personal preference.
Here are some of the informative guide pages that you can use on Jakarta Travel Guide:
- Jakarta Attraction Guide
- Jakarta Market Guide
- Jakarta Monument Guide
- Jakarta Museum Guide
- Jakarta Park Guide
- Jakarta Shopping Mall Guide
Many of the articles throughout Jakarta Travel Guide include ‘insider tips’ that are included to provide you will local knowledge to enhance your experience while in the city.
Jakarta Travel Guide Social Networks and Communities
Does Jakarta Travel Guide have any social networks that readers can become a part of to receive free, up-to-date information about Jakarta?
Currently, we have a Facebook page that you can follow. Since this is a new website our community is small now, but in a few years, it will be massive.
This is the place to be to read about interesting new articles and the most important information about traveling in Jakarta.
Advertising Opportunities on Jakarta Travel Guide
Does Jakarta Travel Guide have an email address that you can use to contact them about advertising opportunities?
The answer is yes! This website is developing rapidly we want to create symbiotic partnerships with reputable brands and websites.
If you have a website, brand or product that you would like to advertise, simply send us an email to the following address:
We will respond as soon as possible to see if we can make something work that is beneficial to both parties.
What should I do if some information is incorrect on Jakarta Travel Guide?
Since Jakarta Travel Guide is 100% free to use, we always encourage tips from our readers and followers. If you find areas that we could improve or you want us to focus on something going on in Jakarta feel free to send us an email.
We encourage collaboration and seek to provide the most comprehensive and reliable information out there.
The more people that discover what Jakarta really has to offer the more benefit it will have on the local economy in the city.